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Challenges and development trend of intelligent robot in pipe lifting deep sea mining system

  • SHEN Yijun ,
  • ZHANG Weifeng ,
  • ZHOU Jianyi ,
  • QUAN Jiaxin ,
  • LI Wenqing ,
  • LIU Yuefan ,
  • ZHANG Ruiyong ,
  • LI Meng
  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Marine Resources Utilization in South China Sea, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China;
    2. School of Marine Science and Engineering, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China

Received date: 2023-09-28

  Revised date: 2023-10-31

  Online published: 2024-07-09


In recent years, the demand for deep-sea mineral resources has gradually increased. In order to solve the shortcomings of traditional pipe lifting mining system, intelligent robots are proposed to realize efficient and accurate mineral collection and health monitoring of the structure. However, due to the complexity of the deep-sea environment, compared with robots on land, the design of underwater robots needs to take into account the effects of resistance, noise, and other aspects brought by the ocean. This paper introduces the development and technical difficulties of mining robots in pipe-lifting deep-sea mining systems from three aspects: hydrodynamics, underwater localization, and underwater vision. Meanwhile, it provides an overview of robotic pipeline inspection technology. On this basis, this paper discusses the technological development direction of underwater robots for deep-sea resource mining.

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SHEN Yijun , ZHANG Weifeng , ZHOU Jianyi , QUAN Jiaxin , LI Wenqing , LIU Yuefan , ZHANG Ruiyong , LI Meng . Challenges and development trend of intelligent robot in pipe lifting deep sea mining system[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2024 , 42(12) : 92 -106 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2023.09.01377


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