Exclusive:Frontier of Chip Technology

The development of post-quantum cryptography algorithm and chip design

  • LIU Dongsheng ,
  • LI Aobo ,
  • HU Ang ,
  • LU Jiahao ,
  • HUANG Tianze ,
  • YANG Shuo ,
  • LI Xiang ,
  • ZHAGN Jiaming
  • School of Integrated Circuits, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China

Received date: 2022-11-17

  Revised date: 2023-01-18

  Online published: 2024-04-15


Post-quantum cryptography is a new generation of cryptography technology for defending quantum computer attacks. It is regarded as a reliable alternative to traditional cryptography systems, and relevant international standards are gradually emerging. This paper briefly describes the development of post-quantum cryptography, and analyzes the latest development, mathematical principles and characteristics of current algorithm research. On this basis, the analysis is carried out from the three levels of algorithm, hardware architecture, and specific circuit implementation. Then we indicate key technologies that future research needs to overcome, such as efficient hardware implementation, dynamic reconfigurability, side channel attack defense, and secure SoC integration. Moreover, the low-power post-quantum cryptographic chip, the high-performance post-quantum cryptographic chip and core modules such as hashing, random sampling, operation acceleration and logic processing in the chip are described in detail. Finally, we summarize the application status and research value of the current chip implementation in terms of efficient IP design for core circuits, multi-scenario application compatibility, multiple defense mechanisms, and information infrastructure integration, and cover the future development trend of industrialization and diversification. By studying the post-quantum cryptography algorithm and its key technologies, then exploring efficient chip design and implementation methods, it is conducive to promoting the research on the theory and application of public key cryptosystems against quantum attacks, and provides guarantee for China's information security strategy in the quantum era.

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LIU Dongsheng , LI Aobo , HU Ang , LU Jiahao , HUANG Tianze , YANG Shuo , LI Xiang , ZHAGN Jiaming . The development of post-quantum cryptography algorithm and chip design[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2024 , 42(2) : 20 -30 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2024.02.003


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