Exclusive: Science and Technology Review in 2023

Review of planetary physics in 2023

  • WEI Yong ,
  • CHAI Lihui ,
  • CHEN Yiding ,
  • FAN Kai ,
  • GAO Jiawei ,
  • HE Fei ,
  • LE Huijun ,
  • LI Guozhu ,
  • LIN Honglei ,
  • QI Chao ,
  • RONG Zhaojin ,
  • SONG Yuhuan ,
  • SUN Weijia ,
  • WANG Yuqi ,
  • WU Zhaopeng ,
  • XU Changyi ,
  • YAN Limei ,
  • YAO Zhonghua ,
  • YUAN Chongjing ,
  • YUE Xin'an ,
  • ZHANG Chi ,
  • ZHANG Hui ,
  • ZHANG Jinhai ,
  • ZHONG Jun
  • 1. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China;
    2. College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Received date: 2023-12-29

  Revised date: 2024-01-05

  Online published: 2024-04-09


In 2023, planetary physics, a major branch of planetary science, exhibited a diverse and thriving landscape. China's planetary physics evolved into emerging areas, including the processes of generating solar and planetary magnetic fields, longterm variations in the space environments of Earth and other planets, and interconnected processes within Earth and planetary multilayer systems. These advancements laid a solid foundation for the future progress of deep space exploration. This paper carefully selects 20 research areas in planetary physics, focusing on the developments and key areas of interest within China's planetary physics. By placing them within the spatiotemporal context of the world and history, the paper presents a comprehensive overview of the planetary physics trends both in China and the world.

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WEI Yong , CHAI Lihui , CHEN Yiding , FAN Kai , GAO Jiawei , HE Fei , LE Huijun , LI Guozhu , LIN Honglei , QI Chao , RONG Zhaojin , SONG Yuhuan , SUN Weijia , WANG Yuqi , WU Zhaopeng , XU Changyi , YAN Limei , YAO Zhonghua , YUAN Chongjing , YUE Xin'an , ZHANG Chi , ZHANG Hui , ZHANG Jinhai , ZHONG Jun . Review of planetary physics in 2023[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2024 , 42(1) : 99 -113 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2024.01.006


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