Exclusive:application technology of virtual reality

Design and development of virtual simulation experimental teaching system for group callisthenics rehearsal

  • HOU Peng ,
  • YU Shaoyong
  • Department of Physical Education, Xidian University, Xi'an 710071, China

Received date: 2020-01-11

  Revised date: 2020-05-18

  Online published: 2021-01-14


In order to solve for the group callisthenics teaching the problems of too many rehearsals, too long time and the difficulty in organization, a virtual simulation teaching experiment is designed and developed for the group gymnastics rehearsal, mainly through the computer technology to create the rehearsal scene and the personnel 3D modeling. Students can create and design the group gymnastics formation by using the virtual simulation of the whole rehearsal process. The teaching experiment results show that the program can help students master the running route, direction and cooperation with other people, and improve the rehearsal efficiency of large-scale group callisthenics performance scenes.

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HOU Peng , YU Shaoyong . Design and development of virtual simulation experimental teaching system for group callisthenics rehearsal[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2020 , 38(22) : 65 -71 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2020.22.008


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