Ecological civilization system reform deepening, the regulation system of natural resources improved, the full implementation of national spatial use control, an urgent need to cloud computing, Internet of things, such as large data wisdom homeland construction under the new generation of information technology to support the improvement of the concept of innovation and thinking. In this paper, based on China's unique social and economic background, based on the analysis of China's "homeland" wisdom construction course, basic characteristics and main content, on the basis of Jiangsu province as a typical case, this paper expounds the common features of territory in China's construction of wisdom and common practices, and from the "big data" integration, sustainable land use evaluation and dynamic management, land use spatial pattern of dynamic simulation and monitoring, land and space control partition simulation, based on the "big data" risk early warning and risk linkage management five aspects based on the wisdom of the big data applications of homeland framework is constructed.
HE Ruidong
. The present situation and future framework of China's intelligent land construction[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2018
, 36(18)
: 10
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2018.18.001
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