The sharing economy is a new economic phenomenon. A shared product, the sharing bicycles, greatly facilitates the travel of urban people and solves the travel problem of the last mile, but on the other hand, it also brings about problems such as the overcapacity of bicycles and the poor management. In this paper, we study the carbon emissions and the usage of the whole life cycle for shared bicycles, to come to the concept of the shortest use time for a bicycle to offset its energy consumption. Beijing has nearly 3.5 million shared bicycles. In the current situation where each bicycle is used for 2.1 km/d, each bicycle should be used for at least 625 days to achieve a true zero carbon row and green travel. At present, Beijing will bear huge environmental risks caused by the excessive delivery of shared bicycles. Based on the environmental perspective, the carbon emission accounting of the whole life cycle becomes an important means to establish a reasonable control value of the shared product quantity. This study will provide a basis and a method for managing the sharing of economic products.
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