This paper reviews the subjects, the theories, the methods and the practice of science and technology think tanks in the world. It is shown that the economy, the management, the politics, the law, the security, the society, the energy and the environment are in the center of the methods. The transportation, the architecture, the astronomy, the geology, the biology, the medicine, the materials science, the chemistry, the mathematics, the physics, the information and the communication all have their special parts. The theory of the science and technology think tanks is gradually developed into the DⅡS (Data, Information, Intelligence and Solution) from science and technology planning, evaluation and roadmap. The methods are proposed for data, information, intelligence and solution, and each method has different attributes. Based on the visual platform, the tracking platform and the retrieval platform, with the application of science and technology in the public service and consultation, the methods of science and technology think tanks will be further developed, expanded and improved.
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