Resource conservation and environmental protection need to be considered most when it comes to cross-sea bridge. Long-span rail-road cable-stayed bridge is a primary choice for cross-sea bridge, which shows advantage in saving channel resources. According to the investigation on long-span rail-road cable-stayed bridges which are existing or under construction worldwide, some key technologies are addressed. At the same time, research on durability of steel girder and stayed cable is conducted, in which a contrastive analysis on structural systems and arrangements is carried out on the basis of structural features of long-span rail-road cable-stayed bridges. Solutions to the problem to further increase the span of long-span rail-road cable-stayed bridge are also put forward. Results of this paper could be taken as technical reference for the design of the same type of cross-sea bridges.
LEI Junqing
CAO Shanshan
LIU Haosu
GUI Chengzhong
. Study on long-span rail-road cable-stayed bridge for cross-sea channel[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2016
, 34(21)
: 27
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2016.21.003
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