Spescial Issues

Research on car-sharing business models of electric vehicles

  • DING Xiaohua ,
  • WANG Mian ,
  • CHEN Yan ,
  • ZHANG Yingjie ,
  • ZHANG Wenjie
  • 1. Shanghai Electric Vehicle Public Data Collecting Monitoring and Research Center, Shanghai 201805, China;
    2. Shanghai International Automobile City New Energy Automotive Operation & Service Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201805, China

Received date: 2016-02-03

  Revised date: 2016-02-24

  Online published: 2016-04-14


Car-sharing is an innovative business model. First, this paper presents an overview of global car-sharing development in recent years, and its rapid development in North America. Then, the paper compares, through big data analysis, the operation modes and consumer characteristics of French AUTOLIB and Chinese EVCARD, the two commercial cases of electric car-sharing. This is followed by a deeper analysis of the travel costs of the aforementioned two kinds of electric car-sharing. According to relevant computations, it is shown that AUTOLIB and EVCARD have great similarity in membership's gender structure, age distribution, average single rental mileage, and average single trip speed, and that both membership's daily lease time distributions display different consumption purposes. Besides, in comparison with taxi fares, it is found out that once a single trip time overpasses 25 minutes EVCARD has quite remarkable price competitive advantage which is only 50% price of the same city taxi fares, while the figure of AUTOLIB is 70%. In some degree this research reveals the difference between AUTOLIB and EVCARD regarding development feature and stage.

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DING Xiaohua , WANG Mian , CHEN Yan , ZHANG Yingjie , ZHANG Wenjie . Research on car-sharing business models of electric vehicles[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2016 , 34(6) : 105 -110 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2016.06.012


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