
Effect of different compositions of soil amendments on the soil physical- chemical properties and oil- sunflower seedling at the early improvement-period

  • HU Min ,
  • SHI Haibin ,
  • LI Weiping
  • 1. College of Vocational and Technical, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Baotou 014109, China;
    2. College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhhot 010018, China

Received date: 2014-10-27

  Revised date: 2015-03-09

  Online published: 2015-05-05


The soil amendments play an important role in improving the soil salinization. In this paper, the coal fly ash, the FGD gypsum, the dual modifier (desulfurization gypsum + cow dung) are selected as the soil amendments, meanwhile, the compositions and application rates of the amendments and the irrigation amount are taken as the main influencing factors in the oil-sunflower-planting tests in the field to study their effects on the saltinizition soil pH values, the TDS, and the oil-sunflower seedling emergence rate in the early period of improvement. It is shown that the highest reduction amount of the soil pH value is achieved by the T7 treatment (application of the desulfurization gypsum of 29.86 t/hm2, high irrigation), reaching 2.36. The highest reduction amount of the soil TDS is achieved by the TN6 treatment (application of the dual modifier of 22.40 t/hm2, low irrigation), reaching 81.32%, but they are only 1.45 and 76.06% in the control treatment (no applications of amendments). The highest oil-sunflower seedling emergence rate is achieved by the TN1 treatment (application of the dual modifier of 14.92 t/hm2, high irrigation), reaching 70.83%, 37.16% more than the control treatment. Application of the soil amendments can effectively reduce the soil pH value and the TDS, improve the soil conditions significantly, and promote the crop growth Furthermore, the effect of amendments can be enhanced with the proper regulation of irrigation.

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HU Min , SHI Haibin , LI Weiping . Effect of different compositions of soil amendments on the soil physical- chemical properties and oil- sunflower seedling at the early improvement-period[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2015 , 33(8) : 30 -35 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2015.08.004


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