Based on pneumatic conveying theory, the suspension model of drilling cuttings has been established, the minimal startup speed of the drilling cuttings was derived, and the influence of diameter of drilling cuttings, friction coefficient, and drilling angle on the start-up speed was analyzed. The results show that in downward drilling engineering, there existed a drilling angle θD when the start-up speed reached its maximum value. When the drilling angle was in the range of θD~0, the start-up speed va increased with increase of the absolute value of the drilling angle; when the drilling angle was in the range of θD~-π/2, va decreased slightly with increase of the absolute value of the drilling angle. In upward drilling engineering, there existed a drilling angle θU. When the drilling angle was in the range of 0~θU, the start-up speed va decreased gradually with increase of the drilling angle; when the drilling angle θ>θU, the drilling cuttings will slide under gravity. Similar influence of the friction coefficient on the minimal start-up speed was obtained. When the drilling angle θ=-π/2, different curves met in one point, indicating that the start-up speed had nothing to do with the friction coefficient.
WANG Yonglong
SUN Yuning
WANG Zhenfeng
SONG Weibin
. Transportation characteristics of drilling cuttings in gas drainage borehole[J]. Science & Technology Review, 2015
, 33(1)
: 47
DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2015.01.008
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