近些年人因可靠性研究对于核电站安全性这一问题越来越重要。在核电站控制室采用数字化技术以后,计算机化的操纵员工作站带来了便捷操作方式,但庞大且集中的信息量也带来了操作任务可靠性的风险。因此,在核电站的设备可靠性大幅度提高的前提下,人因可靠性也需要不断提高,以保证核电站运行具有更好的安全性和经济性。根据美国布鲁克海文国家实验室最新发布的NUREG 0700标准,先进控制室(ACR)被定义为“采用数字化技术的控制室”。国内核电站数字化控制室自主化设计从岭澳二期项目首次开始实施,2010年岭澳二期核电站顺利商运,标志着首个国内自主化设计的先进控制室的成功。本文正是针对数字化控制室的设计过程,将“失水事故”(LOCA)和“蒸汽发生器传热管破裂”(SGTR)选择为初始事件。同时,在此基础上,叠加一些设备或系统的失效。通过在事故状态下对操纵员在模拟机上处理事故的过程进行分析,以获得合理的人因绩效数据,从而更利于人因可靠性的分析,也能对核电站的设计,尤其是控制室的设计起到改善的作用。通过收集人因绩效,尤其是在事故状态下的人因绩效,将会对提高人因可靠性起到非常重要的作用。
Recently, Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) is becoming more important to the safety of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). Since the digital technology is adopted in the control room of NPP, the computerized operator workstations have brought flexible operation methods. However, huge and centralized information also could cause some risks for operation tasks. Therefore, as the reliability of the NPP equipments have been increased even higher, HRA should be developed in order to guarantee the better safety of NPP. According to the new revision of NUREG 0700 Standard published by Brookhaven National Laboratory in USA, Advanced Control Room (ACR) has been defined as the control room adopted the digital technology. In China, self-determination design involving ACR is first beginning with Lingao Phase II project. Lingao Phase II NPP has been in operation mode since the year of 2010. It indicates the success of first self-determination design involving ACR. The design process of ACR is focused on. In the analysis, the LOCA and SGTR are selected as the initiating events. And based on that, some failures of other equipments or systems have been added. Then the process that the operators deal with the accidents has been analyzed with the accident situations in order to obtain reasonable human performance data. By collecting human performance, especially in accident situations, it shows that enhancing the human reliability is very important. Therefore it would be benefit to analyze the human reliability. As a result, it also could be benefit to the design improvement of NPP, specially the design of main control room.