

  • 杨修文
  • 郧阳师范高等专科学校物理系,湖北丹江口 442700

收稿日期: 2010-09-06

  修回日期: 2011-03-03

  网络出版日期: 2011-04-08

Experiments on the Coupling Properties of the Spherical and Wedge-shaped of Fiber Optics

  • Xiu-wen YANG

Received date: 2010-09-06

  Revised date: 2011-03-03

  Online published: 2011-04-08




杨修文 . 球形和楔形光纤探针耦合特性实验研究[J]. 科技导报, 2011 , 29(11-10) : 57 -59 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2011.10.009


The coupling efficiency of spherical fibre optics and wedge-shaped fibre optics is measured by the experimental method. The curve reflecting that the coupling efficiency of fibre optics changes with the wedge angle of wedge-shaped fibre optics and the sagita of spherical fibre optics is given. By the experiments, the coupling properties had been analyzed and compared. It had been shown that coupling efficiency between a spherical fibre optics and a wedge-shaped fibre optics increases with the increase of wedge angle, the curve of the coupling efficiency assumes a quick uptrend by varying the wedge angle from 20.6° to 30.3° and from 40.6° to 55.2°, The curve of the coupling efficiency assumes a mitigative uptrend by varying the wedge angle from 30.3° to 40.6° and from 55.2°to 76.5°; coupling efficiency between the spherical and wedge-shaped fibre optics linearly increases with the increase of sagita of spherical fibre optics; coupling efficiency increases with the decrease of the distance between wedge-shaped and spherical fibre optics. The curve of the coupling efficiency assumes a quicker uptrend by varying the distance from 0.09mm to 0.05mm, the curve of the coupling efficiency assumes a downtrend by varying the distance from 0.04mm to 0.01mm.
