Every step in the modernization of human society has been accompanied by reflection on the ethics of science and technology and the continuous development of an ethical governance system for science and technology. In the new wave of technological revolution, the challenges and governance of technological ethics faced by China have both global commonalities and unique characteristics. It is imperative to deeply understand the problem awareness and specific requirements of ethical governance of science and technology from the perspective of Chinese Path to Modernization. Given the vast scale of its population, there is a need to ponder how to continuously enhance the tech-ethical literacy of the entire population, balance diverse tech-ethical demands and participation, and control the negative external impact of technology. Based on the modernization of shared prosperity among all citizens, it is essential to explore how to regulate potential exploitation of workers by technology, prevent technology from widening wealth and class disparities, and encourage all citizens to share the benefits of technological advancement. With a harmonization of material and spiritual civilization in modernization, it's important to consider adhering to the correct values in technology and enhancing spiritual civility. Based on the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, it's crucial to rethink how to reduce the negative impact of technology on the environment and promote the empowerment of environmental governance by digital technology. Guided by the path of peaceful development, it is necessary to explore how to draw from and improve upon the technological ethical governance experiences of developed countries, manage ethical dumping judiciously, and promote global governance.
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