The science and technology think tank is a major part of the new think tank system in China. This paper reviews the connotation, the characteristics and the functions of the science and technology think tank. With the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the China Association for Science and Technology as the representatives, we analyze the situation of the science and technology think tank and its important role in the Innovation Driven Development Strategy, the third party assessment for the State Council and the scientific and technological support for the high quality development in economy and society. We analyze the main features and challenges in the background of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era, and put forward the missions and tasks of the science and technology think tank. Finally, the construction of the science and technology think tank in China is discussed. We propose six countermeasures and suggestions, including the top-level design enhancement, the institutional barrier elimination, the research mode innovation, the research ability improvement, the evaluation system establishment and the global governance.
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