When the world entered into the new millennium, the US made breakthrough in shale gas industry under a flat gas price level in the first decade, resulted in the US becoming the first oil and gas producer in the world even further. With abundant shale resource and in badly need of cleaner energy, China is now endeavoring to overtake others in shale gas industry and has become the leading producer after US and Canada, but there are still some problems. This paper points out the problems existing in the development of shale gas in China, such as lacks the knowledge of shale gas and oil formation, the complete set of technology and equipment system is not perfect, without standardized mineral rights management and entry-and-exit mechanism and non-standard environmental protection policies, and puts forward corresponding suggestions. To promote China's shale gas industry, we have to streamline the mineral rights management and landuse policies, environmental policies, technological policies, financial and taxation policies and industrial policies.
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