自然界的岩石中存在着放射性元素,这些元素在衰变过程中会释放出热能,放射性生热是岩石圈内热的主要来源之一。山东省陈庄潜凸起区作为一个干热岩勘探研究区域,在干热岩调查研究方面取得了一些基础性资料。本文对该区大地热流及地温场进行分析的基础上,利用Rybach 生热率公式计算了钻孔岩石的放射性生热率,从GRY1 孔的生热率与深度的关系来看,1650 m 以上,生热率整体数值较大,且变幅较大,在埋深1430~1645 m 生热率达到4.72~6.78 μW/m3,该区间主要由含黑云母二长花岗岩及绿泥石化二长花岗岩组成。1645~2500 m 区间主要由花岗岩及含黑云母闪长岩、辉长岩组成,生热率有所降低。整体来说,花岗岩中生热率变化较小,一般在2.0~2.5 μW/m3;而含黑云母二长花岗岩及弱绿泥石化二长花岗岩生热率较高,且变化较大。
Radioactive elements exist in rock in the nature, which will release energy in the decaying process. Radioactive heat production is one of the main sources for lithospheric heat. Some basic information has been obtained about Chenzhuang uplift, Shandong Province as a hot dry rock exploration and study site. This paper calculates the radiogenic heat ratio of the rock core using Rybach heat generation rate formula, on the basis of analysis of terrestrial heat flow and geothermal field. The vertical distribution of heat generation rate at GRY1 borehole shows that the heat generation rate was larger with greater variation above 1650 m, and reached 4.72-6.78 μW/m3 at depth of 1430-1645 m, where biotite adamellite and chloritized adamellite mainly exist. At the interval of 1645-2500 m, where the rock is mainly composed of granite, biotite bearing diorite, and gabbro, the heat generation rate decreased. Overall, the heat generation rate of granite changed slightly, which was about 2.0-2.5 μW/m3, while that of biotite adamellite and slightly chloritized adamellite was higher with larger variation.
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