为探讨春季沙尘(暴)期间兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站(SACOL)碳气溶胶的变化特征, 2012 年5 月17—26 日于SACOL 站采用石英膜收集PM10样品, 利用DRI-2001A 热/光碳分析仪测量元素碳(EC)和有机碳(OC)的质量浓度。结果显示, 沙尘(暴)是导致OC、EC 质量浓度增大的主要因素。采样期间EC、OC 和总碳(TC)的平均质量浓度分别为2.71、11.26 和13.97 μg/m3。进一步分析显示, 沙尘(暴)期间兰州城区碳气溶胶污染逐渐加重主要受本地源的影响。PM10中OC 和EC 的相关系数达到0.94, 揭示SACOL 站OC、EC 的来源相对一致。OC/EC 的均值为5.05, 表明春季SACOL 站PM10中碳气溶胶存在二次污染。二次有机碳(SOC)的质量浓度为3.37 μg/m3, 为OC 的29.9%。结合考察周边环境, 分析表明SACOL 站春季碳气溶胶的主要来源是直接污染源, 来自周边环境中的燃煤以及机动车尾气排放。对碳气溶胶8 种组分的因子分析结果也表明, 周边环境的燃煤和机动车尾气排放是春季SACOL 站碳气溶胶的主要贡献源。
To investigate the variation characteristics and the sources of carbonaceous aerosols in PM10 over outskirts of Lanzhou during spring, samples were collected during 17-26 May, 2012. Organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) were measured by thermal/optical method using DRI-2001A. The results showed that the average mass concentrations of OC, EC and TC were 2.71, 11.26 and 13.97 μg/m3, respectively. The dust aerosols played a dominant role in increasing the concentrations of OC and EC. Further analysis showed that the local source had a significant effect on the pollution of carbon aerosol during dust storm in Lanzhou. The correlation coefficient of OC and EC was 0.94, indicating the same emission source. The ratio of OC/EC (5.05) suggested a secondary pollution of carbonaceous aerosol in PM10. The concentration of SOC was 3.37μg/m3, accounting for 29.9% of total OC. Factor analysis on 8 components of carbonaceous indicated that coal combustion and vehicle emissions were the major sources of carbonaceous aerosol.
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