

  • 聂百胜 ,
  • 卢红奇 ,
  • 郭建华 ,
  • 周香妤
  • 1. 中国矿业大学(北京)煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室, 北京100083;
    2. 中国矿业大学(北京)资源与安全工程学院, 北京100083

收稿日期: 2014-09-03

  修回日期: 2014-11-24

  网络出版日期: 2015-03-19



Research and application of magnetized surfactant for reducing dust

  • NIE Baisheng ,
  • LU Hongqi ,
  • GUO Jianhua ,
  • ZHOU Xiangyu
  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining, China University of Mining & Technology(Beijing), Beijing 100083, China;
    2. College of Resources and Safety Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology(Beijing), Beijing 100083, China

Received date: 2014-09-03

  Revised date: 2014-11-24

  Online published: 2015-03-19


随着煤炭行业机械化和采掘速度的加快,工作面粉尘浓度越来越大,威胁着工人的安全。通过分析磁化降尘机理和磁化表面活性剂溶液降尘机理,以山西省某矿为例,确定了适合该矿综采工作面的最佳表面活性剂为LDLC 表面活性剂及最佳浓度为0.1%,以及最佳磁化强度1000 mT 和最佳磁化时间60 s,并根据结果设计磁化管路和添加装置。该措施在该矿回采工作面进行现场试验,使该工作面的全尘浓度降尘效果比常规措施提高72%左右,PM2.5降尘效果提高60%左右,有效改善了工作面的作业环境。


聂百胜 , 卢红奇 , 郭建华 , 周香妤 . 磁化表面活性剂溶液的降尘机理及应用[J]. 科技导报, 2015 , 33(4) : 44 -48 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2015.04.007


With the mechanization and the increased speed of the mining, the dust concentration in working faces gets more and more higher, and becomes a big threat to the health of the workers. In this paper, the dust-reduction mechanisms of the magnetization and the surfactant are analyzed. The parameters of the magnetization and the surfactant are determined by experiments based on the coal samples of a coal mine in Shanxi province, and it is shown that the best surfactant is LDLC, the best concentration is 0.1%, the best duration of magnetization is 60 seconds and the best strength of magnetization is 1000 mT. At the same time, the magnetic tube and the accessory equipment are designed. And the field test shows that after the test, the concentration of the total dust is reduced to 72% as compared to the usual dust-reduction measure, and the dusts of 2.5 μm are reduced to about 60%, so the environment of the working face is significantly improved.


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