

  • 路甬祥
  • 中国科学院, 北京 100864
路甬祥, 教授, 中国科学院院士、中国工程院院士, 曾任中国科学院院长、第十届及第十一届全国人大常委会副委员长

收稿日期: 2014-09-05

  网络出版日期: 2014-10-24

Review and Prospect of Clean, Renewable Energy Utilization

  • LU Yongxiang
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100864, China

Received date: 2014-09-05

  Online published: 2014-10-24




路甬祥 . 清洁、可再生能源利用的回顾与展望[J]. 科技导报, 2014 , 32(28/29) : 15 -26 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2014.28/29.001


Human is going into a green, low carbon, sustainable energy era, which will mainly rely on renewable energy. To promote the construction of green, low carbon, smarter, safety and sustainable energy systems, this article reviews the development history of clean, renewable energy utilization from a viewpoint that almost all energy sources on earth mainly come from the solar energy. A brief history of energy utilization is included and the development potential and future of renewable energy are discussed. The paper also points out that in the future human should further innovate to develop solar energy, strive to develop wind power, continue to develop water power, adjust measures to local conditions for the development of biomass energy, and actively develop the hydrogen energy and nuclear power on a basis of secure and efficiency.


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