

  • 罗莉涛 ,
  • 萧汉敏 ,
  • 刘卫东 ,
  • 孙灵辉 ,
  • 李继业 ,
  • 苟斐斐
  • 1. 中国科学院渗流流体力学研究所, 廊坊 065007;
    2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100190;
    3. 中国石油勘探开发研究院廊坊分院, 廊坊 065007;
    4. 中国石油大庆油田分公司试油试采公司, 大庆 163412

收稿日期: 2014-03-03

  修回日期: 2014-04-17

  网络出版日期: 2014-06-06



The Suspended Particles in Reinjection Sewage of Ansai Low Permeability Reservoir

  • LUO Litao ,
  • XIAO Hanmin ,
  • LIU Weidong ,
  • SUN Linghui ,
  • LI Jiye ,
  • GOU Feifei
  • 1. Institute of Porous Flow and Fluid Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Langfang 065007, China;
    2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;
    3. Langfang Branch of Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, Langfang 065007, China;
    4. Oil Testing and Perforating Company, Daqing Oilfield Company, PetroChina, Daqing 163412, China

Received date: 2014-03-03

  Revised date: 2014-04-17

  Online published: 2014-06-06


回注水中的悬浮颗粒能严重堵塞储层,造成渗透率下降,导致安塞油田注水难、采油难。为了提高注水效果,急需确定安塞油田合理的回注水悬浮颗粒指标。以5 种不同的粒径的悬浮颗粒在3 种不同浓度条件下,分别对安塞天然岩心进行室内流动实验。结果表明:岩心渗透率开始随着悬浮颗粒溶液的注入缓慢下降,达到一定注入量后,能够较长时间处于某一平稳值;悬浮颗粒溶液浓度ρ>2.0 mg/L,渗透率损失大于30%;ρ≤1.0 mg/L且粒径d<0.730 μm,渗透率损失小于30%;1.0 mg/L<ρ<2.0 mg/L,且d<0.730 μm,渗透率损失有大于30%,也有小于30%,由浓度与粒径二者共同作用;0.730 μm≤d≤ 2.100 μm,渗透率损失大于30%。各油田回注水时,颗粒粒径范围区间应尽量小,其平均值应与储层的平均孔喉相差较大;安塞低渗透油藏注入悬浮颗粒溶液ρ<1.0 mg/L,d<0.730 μm。


罗莉涛 , 萧汉敏 , 刘卫东 , 孙灵辉 , 李继业 , 苟斐斐 . 安塞低渗透油藏回注水中悬浮颗粒堵塞规律[J]. 科技导报, 2014 , 32(15) : 69 -72 . DOI: 10.3981/j.issn.1000-7857.2014.15.010


The suspended particles in a reinjection sewage might plug the reservoir and reduce the permeability. This makes it difficult for the Ansai low permeable oil field to inject water and produce oil at present. In order to improve the effect of water flooding, a reasonable index of suspended particles for Ansai oil field has to be determined. For this purpose, five different particle sizes are considered with three different suspended particle concentrations in the Ansai natural core flow experiment. The results show that the permeability of the cores is reduced slowly with the increase of the injection of the suspended particles. When the injection reaches a certain amount, the permeability tends to be a stable value for a long time. When the concentration ρ>2 mg/L, the permeability is reduced more than 30%; when ρ≤1.0 mg/L and the particle size d<0.730 μm, the permeability is reduced less than 30%; when 1.0 mg/L<ρ< 2.0 mg/L and d<0.730 μm, the two factors act together, the permeability may be reduced more or less than 30%; when 0.730 μm≤d≤ 2.100 μm, the permeability is reduced more than 30%. It is therefore suggested that the range of the suspended particle size should be limited and stay away from the throat size of the reservoir in the water injection process. ρ<1.0 mg/L and d<0.730 μm for the Ansai low permeable oil field.


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