A block in Bamianhe reservoir of Jianghan Oilfield is considered in this paper. With respect to the heat-tolerance saltresistance polymer, the influence of the bivalent cation on its viscosity in the high calcium and magnesium reservoir is studied. The proposed concepts of the mineralization and the cation content calculated from the quantitative relationship between the influences of the monovalent cation and the bivalent cation on the viscosity could be used as the evaluation indexes of the polymer solution viscosity under the condition of high calcium and magnesium. In order to reduce the effects of calcium and magnesium ions on the viscosity, a complexing agent called the sodium citrate is added to the solution to improve the viscosity of the polymer solution. The experimental results show that the sodium citrate has a high complexing ability, and the solution viscosity is significantly increased, though the calcium and magnesium ion influence on the viscosity is not fully suppressed. This paper provides a theoretical guidance for the high calcium magnesium reservoir polymer flooding technology.
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